Monday, January 30, 2012

My (late) New Year's Resolution

   Actually, I made the resolution for New Years to lose some weight, but only halfheartedly.  There was too much yummy stuff in the house to be serious! 
   However, now my hubby is talking about making plans for our 15th anniversary someplace warm... and sandy... and ocean-y.  Our 15th will be next summer (18 months from now)  and we have always said we wanted to go back where we went for our honeymoon - Jamaica!  SO, the long and short of it is this: I'm wanting to go down 2 or 3 sizes. 
   Now I HAD lost some weight a year or so ago, but I kinda gave up on my treadmill and didn't really give up the extra calories the treadmill allowed me.  
I'm back to serious!
  I have my calorie counter app on my phone all set up and ready. (I seriously HAVE to have that app!  I don't know how people managed to diet smart before such things came to be!)  
  I have my running shoes out again (a-hem - there will probably be more walking than running till I get back into things!)
  Also I found the neatest idea on pintrest! 
Here's my version of the idea

  Each little gem (plastic hearts from Target) in the one glass represents a pound I want to loose.  As I loose the pounds, the gems get to moved to the other glass.  Visual motivation!         Now I know that as I get into my exercise routine again muscle will be made, and there's the whole muscle to fat ratio thing..blah, blah.... That has all been taken into account!  
I just need a visual to get me going!
So, Happy Monday!
I'm off for a run/walk!

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